Dream Bigger and Change your Life

Dream bigger. What exactly does this mean? Technically, it means wanting more than you currently have. I want to take it to the “next level”. I want to dream bigger than I ever have before. There is not going to be an obstacle I will not overcome! I have decided that whatever life puts in front of me, I am going to knock it down! This is a completely new way of thinking for me. Perhaps, it will be a change for you as well. It is a change and a concept that I am totally embracing.

Get started and dream bigger.

I know people have been manifesting for years. Obviously, this isn’t anything new; but it is new to me. What are people talking about when they say to manifest what you want? One of the principles of this is the law of attraction. Simply put; like attracts like. Just like a magnet, when we put out positive thoughts and energy, it will be returned to us. Nature literally does not tolerate a vacuum. There are no empty spaces allowed. We all need to declutter once in a while. Meaning, get rid of the negative and replace it with positive.

Getting Started-Dream Bigger

Now comes the fun and exciting part of this new and incredible journey! We get to figure out a plan of “attack”. That is how I am looking at this; attack and succeed. I plan on starting using this method:

  • Ask. I am going to start here. I am a “rookie” at this. I am going to begin at the “Kindergarten” level. After doing research on this, I believe this is the perfect jumping off point. I am going to simply ask for something specific. I am going to be very specific and set a timeframe for it to occur.
  • Believe. I think this may be the hardest part for many people. We must believe it totally and completely. How do we eradicate the doubts? You must remember, “like attracts like”. I am going to act like I already have it. I will then experience the feeling of having it. Another key: I am going to realize I deserve it!
  • Receive. It has been brought to my attention recently that many people love to give but have trouble receiving. We all need to learn to receive and believe we deserve it! Obviously, we must take the necessary action to receive what we are asking for.
  • Be grateful. I really think this will be a monster for me. Being grateful for what we have puts us in a positive mindset. And being positive is so important. You will never find a successful person that is not positive in everything and every way of their life.
  • Start a journal. I have literally never done this before. I am going to start by writing down all the things in my life I am grateful for. I have been reading about people that use a manifestation journal. It is most commonly used to write positive affirmations, what you want, and reminding yourself you deserve it.

My Dream Bigger

My dream bigger.

I am going to get down to the nitty gritty of this discussion. I have really been doing a massive amount of reflection lately. I’m really trying to figure out what I want; what will make me happy and content. Freedom. I really want total and absolute freedom. I want the freedom that comes with having enough money, but also, the time freedom to enjoy it. Overabundance is what I want and what I deserve.

I currently own my own house in a small town. Small town living is better for me than the big city. However, in my dream bigger I want a secluded location for my place to hang my hat. I want all the most modern appliances that will make chores a snap. Plenty of outdoor space is an absolute must! I must have an overabundance of space for my dog and myself to play and romp.

Putting it all together

I have truly come to understand what will drive happiness in me. Also, I have come to understand without a doubt that I deserve overabundance. I am going to dream bigger as part of my daily living pattern. I am going to manifest everything I want and deserve.

  • My perfect house. I am going to have a house in “the country” with all the room needed for my dog to have a daily celebration. We will be content and at peace with everything in our surroundings.
  • Good health. Of course, good health is right at the top of the pile. I am already making good strides to be healthy going forward. Plenty of exercise and eating properly. I am going to give myself a “poke” on a regular basis to keep on the correct road.
  • Overabundance of money. I want an overabundance of money. I have come to the realization that I deserve an overabundance. Money gives you choices in life; choices allow freedom. I want to have all the money I need to buy the things I want without feeling guilty or scrimping and pinching pennies. I want to be able to travel when I have the itch to do so.

Challenges will come. They always do. I will knock down whatever is placed before me. Having grit is very important to accomplish all your goals. To read more about having grit read this page. I think we should all strive to dream bigger. It’s time to get what you deserve.

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